I never wanted to be a baker...
But when I needed something to distract me from a job that was no longer satisfying, baking just kind of showed up. Work was eating me alive and baking was a creative escape, one that involved problem-solving and complex thinking. Also, kneading dough is wonderfully cathartic.
The more I baked, the more fun I had. I tried new recipes, new ingredients, new methods of handling dough. And I failed a lot.
But, more and more, I began to succeed. I began to learn the subtle variables and sensitivities of baking—dough temps, hydration, flavor additions, time.
More importantly, though, my bread tasted good and looked beautiful.
When I decided to quit my job and move up to the Bay Area and look for a new opportunity, I knew that I had to take my love of baking with me. What I didn't expect was to become a real baker.
But here I am.
I don't know if I will ever make baking my thing. I don't foresee owning a bakery, a flour mill, or anything like that.
What I do know is that I love bread (just like Oprah) and my friends do too. So here I am, sharing my love with the world.
Let's bake together. Let's eat together.
Let's see what happens.